SPOILER ALERT: I am 3 episodes into season 5!
OMG I LOVE Clay taking Piney's place on Oxygen Island. That shit is CLASSIC! Karma's a bitch, huh Clay? You piece of shit.
Best line of the night: "Is that LeRoy?" "Most of him." ROFLMAO! SHIZZLE - that scene (with Pope's right hand man killing the 2nd in charge who is now 1st in charge after they killed LeRoy?) Holy shit that was PURE GENIUS!!!
Shit. Is Clay going to figure out that RICO is after them?
"We don't let other people raise our children. It's selfish...and lazy." LOL! Gemma's so pious!
OH MY GOD! Tig's daughter!!! Pope, you son of a bitch! You bastard! How could anyone DO something so horrific!!! And damnit, I LIKE Rachel Miner. I am so pissed she's already off the show! Poor Tig. Oh man...Poor Tig.
Really enjoying Jimmy Smits! I like him playing a nice guy pimp much better than an uppity detective.
Tara is getting married with her black bra straps hanging out. She looks like me at yoga class.
"I don't think your whore Friday is keen on me..." ROFLMAO! Gemma's delivery never misses.
They just showed Clay looking all dejected with his oxynecklace before leaving on a mission with the guys...and my hubby goes "He's gonna be riding Piney's trike". I might pee my pants. How's it feel, Clay??? (Talk about residuals. I loved Piney and truly miss his presence on this show and I loathe Clay for killing him. Piney was the Gemma of the men. He kept everyone honest.)
Another fantastic line of the evening: Wrap a scarf around that shit. What are ya, 15? Go Tara. She's been trained by Gemma, aka "The Master".
OH MY GOD. POPE wants Jax to KILL one of the Sons. And he says Tig can never get out of jail. So I don't see any other choice for Jax but to pick Tig. Tig's probably going to agree to it, too. (At this point, I didn't understand that Jax wasn't allowed to pick Tig.)
Oh my god. I can't believe Opie is dead. I am so horrifically sad.
GEEZ - I can't watch this show anymore! Holy SAMCRO this is shitty as hell! My hubster is so upset, he doesn't know what to DO with himself!! He just went to text one of his best buds, Brendan - at 11:15 PM, no less - because Brendan's been telling us to watch SOA for a longggggg time - and Tom feels like one of their friends died. It's just so sad
Frankly though - being a chick and all - I'm kindof glad it was Opie. Hear me out. He was so lost. I mean, don't get me wrong, his KIDS now have NO ONE but his bitchy mother and his ex wife the porn star. But he checked out when Donna died and buried himself when Piney died. He wanted to go with them and is pretty much of no use to his kids or the club at this point. Poor thing. I guess I just hate to see a lost soul. Now he's at peace. (I grew up Catholic, whaddaya want from me?!)
And Tig. LORDDDDDDDDDDD TIG! WHAT in the world! When is he going to PIPE DOWN and not be so friggin compulsive! He gets everyone around him into trouble or dead! He's like Mr. Magoo!!!
OK that's enough for me. I'm exhausted after 3 episodes. I need sleep. I'll add some pretty pictures tomorrow. Check back now...ya hear?
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Tito Get Me a Tissue
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Broken Clay Figures
SPOILER ALERT: I have watched 4 seasons of Sons of Anarchy!!!
Holy crap - where do I even start? The last 5/10 minutes of the last episode of season 4 - just like the last 5/10 minutes of the last episode of season 3 - was effing FANTASTIC. HOW about Jax struttin' his stuff into the "chapel" and sitting his ass down at the head of the table? And putting CHIBS in the seat next to him?! BRILLS!
Awww...poor Tigs. He was NOT happy to get the boot to the next seat down. He was almost as dejected and pissed off as I was in church this morning when a family came in late and the usher shoved my ass to the middle of the row...but I digress.
BUT - as much as I loved it - I hated something, too. WHAT was with TARA coming in...talking to Jax about PERSONAL BIZZNAZZ...and being all possessive with him with her arm around him? As cool as it was to compare the scene to the shot of Gemma and John Teller all those years ago, it was ANNOYING AS HELL to see Tara treating Jax like a big ol' BABY in front of his club. Talk about EMASCULATING! All I wanted to say to her was "TARA! (yelled like Jax yells it) You are his OLD LADY! Go home and fix him a turkey pot pie, bitch!" Jax is going to have to teach her to do as she's told.
And where was Opie? SHITE. He is pissed...and I don't blame him one bit! Clay KILLED PINEY! And not-for-nuthin'....but I loved Piney. I am NOT happy he's dead.
What I am tickled PINK about is that Juice is free and clear and doesn't have to worry anymore.
How about that freaky US Asst. District Attorney just walking away at the end and being so nice to everyone??? I LOVED how he handed over Juice's history folder. And I nearly PLOTZED when he walked into the Council and dumped out the sex toys. Although EW - I didn't even know there was such a thing as a CHILD lifelike doll last night. HOW that is OK for them to manufacture them in ANY country is BEYOND me.
Moving on...I loved how the cop at the convenience store was so nice to Jax and treated him like a regular schmo. Because for a couple glorious hours, he WAS a regular schmo. I truly hope he gets to feel that feeling again. I can tell he's going to be a complete badass in season 5...but I hope SOMEDAY the man gets to walk around barefoot, in his front hard - without his cut - and WITHOUT someone watching from a van on the street.
Holy crap - where do I even start? The last 5/10 minutes of the last episode of season 4 - just like the last 5/10 minutes of the last episode of season 3 - was effing FANTASTIC. HOW about Jax struttin' his stuff into the "chapel" and sitting his ass down at the head of the table? And putting CHIBS in the seat next to him?! BRILLS!
Awww...poor Tigs. He was NOT happy to get the boot to the next seat down. He was almost as dejected and pissed off as I was in church this morning when a family came in late and the usher shoved my ass to the middle of the row...but I digress.
BUT - as much as I loved it - I hated something, too. WHAT was with TARA coming in...talking to Jax about PERSONAL BIZZNAZZ...and being all possessive with him with her arm around him? As cool as it was to compare the scene to the shot of Gemma and John Teller all those years ago, it was ANNOYING AS HELL to see Tara treating Jax like a big ol' BABY in front of his club. Talk about EMASCULATING! All I wanted to say to her was "TARA! (yelled like Jax yells it) You are his OLD LADY! Go home and fix him a turkey pot pie, bitch!" Jax is going to have to teach her to do as she's told.
And where was Opie? SHITE. He is pissed...and I don't blame him one bit! Clay KILLED PINEY! And not-for-nuthin'....but I loved Piney. I am NOT happy he's dead.
What I am tickled PINK about is that Juice is free and clear and doesn't have to worry anymore.
How about that freaky US Asst. District Attorney just walking away at the end and being so nice to everyone??? I LOVED how he handed over Juice's history folder. And I nearly PLOTZED when he walked into the Council and dumped out the sex toys. Although EW - I didn't even know there was such a thing as a CHILD lifelike doll last night. HOW that is OK for them to manufacture them in ANY country is BEYOND me.
Moving on...I loved how the cop at the convenience store was so nice to Jax and treated him like a regular schmo. Because for a couple glorious hours, he WAS a regular schmo. I truly hope he gets to feel that feeling again. I can tell he's going to be a complete badass in season 5...but I hope SOMEDAY the man gets to walk around barefoot, in his front hard - without his cut - and WITHOUT someone watching from a van on the street.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Just When You Thought It Was Safe (To Mule Drugs For The Cartel)...
SPOILER ALERT: I am 7 episodes into Season 4, y'all.
Holy shit! Clay is starting to = le Douche!!! He's never been a nice guy, per se...but now he's standing on the edge of the good guy diving board, ready to jump way the hell into the Biggest Douchebag Biker of All Douchebag Bikers Ever pool!!!!!
LOL - this was a great line, and I don't even remember who said it:
"A little bit too Mad Max don'tcha think?" (About blowing up the "grease truck".)
SHIT things are heating up SO FAST. WHAT the EFF is with Juice?!? In one or two episodes he has managed to dig the most MASSIVE hole for himself! We left off with the tree branch breaking last night when he tried to hang himself in the chains from the tow truck! WTF?!? WHY didn't he just go to SAMCRO the second he found out they wanted him to rat? I can't BELIEVE how easily he turned, too! I GET that he's afraid they'll find out his dad is black...but, shit! You don't just TURN, mijo! You TELL THE CLUB! He should have said "Look - I didn't know and I don't even know if it's true but they say my dad is black" and taken whatever lumps they gave him. And yes. I know. Those lumps could have meant death. BUT - he could have said "Look - they wanted me to rat...but I DIDN'T. I chose to come to you guys with some SERIOUSLY HELPFUL INTEL, instead." HOW can he believe the new police chief is going to leave SAMCRO out of it?? Is he NUTS?!? It's like Hale and Stahl all over again! I just can't believe Juice is THAT stupid. I really can't. AND - doesn't he care enough about the club to want to warn them?
This is all CLAY'S fault. No one trusts anyone anymore...or at least they don't trust Clay. If this were a few years ago - before all this shit started hitting the fan with the IRA and the Russians and the Mayans and the Cartel (the list goes on)...Juice wouldn't have thought twice before going to the club and letting them know what was happening. I really believe that.
Moving on - very intrigued by the story with Tig's daughter. Who, by the way, I knew was Rachel Miner immediately. She is a fantastic actress since her Guiding Light days...and I really hope we get to see a bit of a story play out with her character. Poor Tig. Underneath all the leather and blood, he's just a dad with his wallet out, saying, "How much do you need?"
Jax is starting to freak me out. He's so intent on getting out, that he's making stupid decisions. Oh yeah, that's right, Jax...just go chase the dude in the car who were SHOOTING at you with AK47S...and don't even wait for back up. (LOL "backup" like he's CHiPs or something.)
And Tara! HOLY CRAP, Tara is SO FUCKED! When Clay put that hit out on her with THE CARTEL, I wanted to shoot him, myself. A CARTEL! I KNOW what that shit can do. I watch Breaking Bad! She might as well say her goodbyes and visit the funeral parlor because she is so history. This shit reads like a book. Tara's going to get it and then next season Jax is going to be the badassiest mothereffer on the planet. I almost WANT poor Tara to kick it, just to see Jax be so fierce. Guess I'll have to wait and see...
One more thing...I LOVE Unser (who I've been calling Unger. Whoops. My bad.) That poor soul is SO GOOD. Clay doesn't deserve to stand on the same ground. Ugh. I hate Clay.
It's Friday y'all. 3 more eps coming up!
PS - WHO even WAS the dude Juice killed? For 7 episodes, Tom and I have been saying "Who the hell IS this guy??" And I love ______ (dude who finally made up with Tig). Crap, can't remember his name. We call him "Chicken Situation" because he reminds us of Greg Behrendt who wrote "He's Just Not That Into You" and was a writer on Sex and the City.
Holy shit! Clay is starting to = le Douche!!! He's never been a nice guy, per se...but now he's standing on the edge of the good guy diving board, ready to jump way the hell into the Biggest Douchebag Biker of All Douchebag Bikers Ever pool!!!!!
LOL - this was a great line, and I don't even remember who said it:
"A little bit too Mad Max don'tcha think?" (About blowing up the "grease truck".)

This is all CLAY'S fault. No one trusts anyone anymore...or at least they don't trust Clay. If this were a few years ago - before all this shit started hitting the fan with the IRA and the Russians and the Mayans and the Cartel (the list goes on)...Juice wouldn't have thought twice before going to the club and letting them know what was happening. I really believe that.
Moving on - very intrigued by the story with Tig's daughter. Who, by the way, I knew was Rachel Miner immediately. She is a fantastic actress since her Guiding Light days...and I really hope we get to see a bit of a story play out with her character. Poor Tig. Underneath all the leather and blood, he's just a dad with his wallet out, saying, "How much do you need?"
Jax is starting to freak me out. He's so intent on getting out, that he's making stupid decisions. Oh yeah, that's right, Jax...just go chase the dude in the car who were SHOOTING at you with AK47S...and don't even wait for back up. (LOL "backup" like he's CHiPs or something.)
And Tara! HOLY CRAP, Tara is SO FUCKED! When Clay put that hit out on her with THE CARTEL, I wanted to shoot him, myself. A CARTEL! I KNOW what that shit can do. I watch Breaking Bad! She might as well say her goodbyes and visit the funeral parlor because she is so history. This shit reads like a book. Tara's going to get it and then next season Jax is going to be the badassiest mothereffer on the planet. I almost WANT poor Tara to kick it, just to see Jax be so fierce. Guess I'll have to wait and see...
One more thing...I LOVE Unser (who I've been calling Unger. Whoops. My bad.) That poor soul is SO GOOD. Clay doesn't deserve to stand on the same ground. Ugh. I hate Clay.
It's Friday y'all. 3 more eps coming up!
PS - WHO even WAS the dude Juice killed? For 7 episodes, Tom and I have been saying "Who the hell IS this guy??" And I love ______ (dude who finally made up with Tig). Crap, can't remember his name. We call him "Chicken Situation" because he reminds us of Greg Behrendt who wrote "He's Just Not That Into You" and was a writer on Sex and the City.
Goodbye Season 3!
SPOILER ALERT: I have now watched all of Season 3!
WOWWIE WOWWERS. Holy SHITE. I cannot BELIEVE all the stuff that went down in these last few episodes. Ireland...Jax sleeping with the skankiest ho on the planet...Stahl getting hers!
And yet...the most amazing thing that happened, in my opinion, is that Gemma was able to whip up that massive breakfast for the entire MC and their old ladies, just 12 mere hours after deboarding a cargo plane from Belfast.
Geez - where to start? I loved the last 10 minutes of the last episods. Watching the MC so brilliantly handle that whole situation with the Russians and Stahl was mind-blowing. Watching Unger stand back and let is happen was tremendous. And knowing that both Stahl - and Jimmy - were no longer walking the planet was worth every second of my late-night, swollen-eyed, fingernail-bitten Sons of Anarchy marathons of late.
But you know what really annoys the crap outta me? Jax gets back - babe-in-hand - and all is right with the world. Or at least with Tara. No questions...no freak-outs...no "Gee thanks for simultaneously putting me at risk for gonorrhea, syphilis AND chlamydia...all in one night." Nothing! Just "I love you - here's your baby's left foot - blah blah blah". If I were Tara, I'd have been three states over before his ass even hit the Atlantic, let alone Belfast. But...as JJ reminds me...they are BIKERS. They don't think the way I do. Seriously though...a little more relationship stuff between Jax and Tara would help me wrap my brain around a few things here and there. I wish the writers would realize this. Meanwhile, the guys reading this (LOL as if there are any; please make yourself known if so!) are thinking "We're just fine with little to no lovey lovey crap from Jax and Tara, thankyouverymuch.)
So what will happen in Season 4??? KEEP READING, yeah?
WOWWIE WOWWERS. Holy SHITE. I cannot BELIEVE all the stuff that went down in these last few episodes. Ireland...Jax sleeping with the skankiest ho on the planet...Stahl getting hers!
And yet...the most amazing thing that happened, in my opinion, is that Gemma was able to whip up that massive breakfast for the entire MC and their old ladies, just 12 mere hours after deboarding a cargo plane from Belfast.
Geez - where to start? I loved the last 10 minutes of the last episods. Watching the MC so brilliantly handle that whole situation with the Russians and Stahl was mind-blowing. Watching Unger stand back and let is happen was tremendous. And knowing that both Stahl - and Jimmy - were no longer walking the planet was worth every second of my late-night, swollen-eyed, fingernail-bitten Sons of Anarchy marathons of late.
But you know what really annoys the crap outta me? Jax gets back - babe-in-hand - and all is right with the world. Or at least with Tara. No questions...no freak-outs...no "Gee thanks for simultaneously putting me at risk for gonorrhea, syphilis AND chlamydia...all in one night." Nothing! Just "I love you - here's your baby's left foot - blah blah blah". If I were Tara, I'd have been three states over before his ass even hit the Atlantic, let alone Belfast. But...as JJ reminds me...they are BIKERS. They don't think the way I do. Seriously though...a little more relationship stuff between Jax and Tara would help me wrap my brain around a few things here and there. I wish the writers would realize this. Meanwhile, the guys reading this (LOL as if there are any; please make yourself known if so!) are thinking "We're just fine with little to no lovey lovey crap from Jax and Tara, thankyouverymuch.)
So what will happen in Season 4??? KEEP READING, yeah?
cargo plane,
gemma breakfast,
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
It's a SAMCRO Emergency!
SPOILER ALERT: I am on episode 1 of Season 4!
I promise to blog about the last few eps of season 3 very soon...but for now, I HAD to whip out the laptop and tell you all the following:
HOLY SHIT! RANDOLPH MANTOOTH was just on Sons of Anarchy!!!!!!!!
Not only was he on it, it seems to be a "Very Special Sons of Anarchy".
Sorry for the cryptic post but I'm starting episode 2 as I type! Gotta watch!!
I promise to blog about the last few eps of season 3 very soon...but for now, I HAD to whip out the laptop and tell you all the following:
HOLY SHIT! RANDOLPH MANTOOTH was just on Sons of Anarchy!!!!!!!!
Not only was he on it, it seems to be a "Very Special Sons of Anarchy".
Sorry for the cryptic post but I'm starting episode 2 as I type! Gotta watch!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Beam Me Up, Scotty
GOD, I love Chibs!!!!!!!!!
Someone Find the A-JAX!!!
SPOILER ALERT: I have watched 7 episodes of season 3.
HOLY MOTHER OF HEYZEUS!!!!!! TARA JUST WALKED IN on Jax with the SKANKIEST SKANK on the PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD. I did NOT see THAT one coming at ALL. And I totally forgot she's preggars!!!! OH my god I had to GET UP FROM MY SEAT ON THE COUCH and walk OUT! I stood at the edge of the room and watched through my fingers once I realized she was coming in. I think he wanted her to find him with that SKANK. EW. I thought she was a skank from the moment I saw her. YUCK. Gross yellow hair and yellow, skanky eyebrows and crispy-fried skin? The skankiest skankness on the planet.
I hope Tara takes off and goes back to Chicago. Because eventually - when they find Abel - Jax is going to come back and be all lovey dovey and FUCK HIM because he's not worth the little blue paper slippers she wears over her shoes in the ER. WHAT an IMMATURE piece of SHIT. "Let's go find my son. We'll figure out what we're doing with our dicks when we get back." Ooooh...big man. NOT.
HOLY MOTHER OF HEYZEUS!!!!!! TARA JUST WALKED IN on Jax with the SKANKIEST SKANK on the PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD. I did NOT see THAT one coming at ALL. And I totally forgot she's preggars!!!! OH my god I had to GET UP FROM MY SEAT ON THE COUCH and walk OUT! I stood at the edge of the room and watched through my fingers once I realized she was coming in. I think he wanted her to find him with that SKANK. EW. I thought she was a skank from the moment I saw her. YUCK. Gross yellow hair and yellow, skanky eyebrows and crispy-fried skin? The skankiest skankness on the planet.
I hope Tara takes off and goes back to Chicago. Because eventually - when they find Abel - Jax is going to come back and be all lovey dovey and FUCK HIM because he's not worth the little blue paper slippers she wears over her shoes in the ER. WHAT an IMMATURE piece of SHIT. "Let's go find my son. We'll figure out what we're doing with our dicks when we get back." Ooooh...big man. NOT.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Why Don't You Go Play Jacks, Jax?
SPOILER ALERT: I am 3 episodes into Season 3...and I am FIRED up.
WTF happened to Hale?! I can't believe how easily they just...offed him!!! Wow. I had really warmed up to him...and thought he'd eventually learn his lesson and be a good replacement for the Chief. (Who cracks me up when he announces "You're the acting Chief today" and hangs out at the compound with the wives and children. LOL)
OK y'all - I have to make a statement: If I were Tara, I'd take the hell off. Jax is being a douche of epic proportions. I know, I know...he's upset about his son. I get it. But GEEZ - do you KNOW what this woman has DONE for you?!? She's practically GIVING her career away - for you - and all you can say is "Go back to work". Or no, wait...this is my favorite:
"I'll see if Tara can help"
...the second someone gets stabbed, shot, or acquires any number of comunicable diseases.
Oh sureeee NOW you want Tara. Earlier you couldn't wait to get away from her. And you leave her sitting around with your mother...your stepfather...your boys...anyone else but YOU. But the moment someone needs medical attention? OH you're ALL KINDS of up in her bizznazz. It's BULLSHIT Jax and I'm calling you OUT on it. She wanted to LEAVE and go back to Chicago and YOU are the one who said "Don't run again...blah blah blah...I loveeeeee you...blah blah blah". And she stayed. And she took care of your kid. And now you don't want her. That is so weak, I cannot contain myself.
And going back to Tara...can anyone tell me why she's parting her hair like Donald Trump lately? Um...Tara? Honey? The combover is not your best look, mmmkayyy?
And could she BE any more stupid?? Someone's gotta learn this chick a little something about MCin'. You do NOT - under any circumstances - undo someone's duct tape! Even one side! Now you've got to bury that chick and Jax is going to have one more reason to think you're a week little shit and want to get rid of you. FAIL.
Tom thinks that the blonde in Ireland is going to have something to do with Jax. At first he thought she was his real mother...but I shot that down because she looks so young. I guess we'll find out what's up. I'll tell you one thing - that chick better get SOMEONE on the damned phone and get that baby back to Jax. Maybe then he'll come to his senses and be nice to Tara before she dumps him and starts doing surgery for the Mayans.
A few notes...
- I miss Half Sack. That kid was a light in the vast cloud of darkness that can be SAMCRO.
- Hale's brother is a douche. And he needs a haircut.
- Gemma is go' lose her mind when she finds out about Baby Abel.
And for the love of god...can SOMEONE please tell Opie to ditch that skank? She's starting to remind me of Wendy Ho. I could not believe how easily she grabbed that Chinese man and strutted both of their stuff into the other room to go do her bizznazz. And you KNEW Opie was going to lose it! WHY was he there? It was pretty stupid if you ask me. The old Clay would have beaten his ass...but the new, "more gentler" Clay just made a shitty deal to pay for Opie's outburst and is all "No worries, Opie. It's the least I can do after trying to kill you and all."
OK y'all. I gots to go. Tom wants to take a night off because SAMCRO is giving him nutty dreams on a daily basis. We'll see. I may be able to convince him to squeeze one in tonight...somewhere between last week's Once Upon a Time and Modern Family. ;)
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Poor Hale! WTF?! |
OK y'all - I have to make a statement: If I were Tara, I'd take the hell off. Jax is being a douche of epic proportions. I know, I know...he's upset about his son. I get it. But GEEZ - do you KNOW what this woman has DONE for you?!? She's practically GIVING her career away - for you - and all you can say is "Go back to work". Or no, wait...this is my favorite:
"I'll see if Tara can help"
...the second someone gets stabbed, shot, or acquires any number of comunicable diseases.
Oh sureeee NOW you want Tara. Earlier you couldn't wait to get away from her. And you leave her sitting around with your mother...your stepfather...your boys...anyone else but YOU. But the moment someone needs medical attention? OH you're ALL KINDS of up in her bizznazz. It's BULLSHIT Jax and I'm calling you OUT on it. She wanted to LEAVE and go back to Chicago and YOU are the one who said "Don't run again...blah blah blah...I loveeeeee you...blah blah blah". And she stayed. And she took care of your kid. And now you don't want her. That is so weak, I cannot contain myself.
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I shouldn't look so pissed, seeing as I get the best lines on the show. |
BY the way...I could not love Tig any more than I do right now. He's so friggin funny. When Stephen King came in as The Cleaner - a la Harvey Keitel - Tig was just staring at Gemma like "Oh shit - what did we get ourselves into?" I made my husband rewind it so we could see it again...it was that funny.
Holy crap - they know Cameron's dead! And the news didn't come a moment too soon as Jax was about to drive that SKANK home! OMG I'm telling you right now...if he cheats with some ho...I don't even KNOW how many amazing lines about his thingie being in 100 hoo hoos with Tara on his mind are going to have to come out of his mouth to get me through it.
![]() |
Could someone pass me that comb over there? |
And could she BE any more stupid?? Someone's gotta learn this chick a little something about MCin'. You do NOT - under any circumstances - undo someone's duct tape! Even one side! Now you've got to bury that chick and Jax is going to have one more reason to think you're a week little shit and want to get rid of you. FAIL.
Tom thinks that the blonde in Ireland is going to have something to do with Jax. At first he thought she was his real mother...but I shot that down because she looks so young. I guess we'll find out what's up. I'll tell you one thing - that chick better get SOMEONE on the damned phone and get that baby back to Jax. Maybe then he'll come to his senses and be nice to Tara before she dumps him and starts doing surgery for the Mayans.
A few notes...
- I miss Half Sack. That kid was a light in the vast cloud of darkness that can be SAMCRO.
- Hale's brother is a douche. And he needs a haircut.
- Gemma is go' lose her mind when she finds out about Baby Abel.
And for the love of god...can SOMEONE please tell Opie to ditch that skank? She's starting to remind me of Wendy Ho. I could not believe how easily she grabbed that Chinese man and strutted both of their stuff into the other room to go do her bizznazz. And you KNEW Opie was going to lose it! WHY was he there? It was pretty stupid if you ask me. The old Clay would have beaten his ass...but the new, "more gentler" Clay just made a shitty deal to pay for Opie's outburst and is all "No worries, Opie. It's the least I can do after trying to kill you and all."
OK y'all. I gots to go. Tom wants to take a night off because SAMCRO is giving him nutty dreams on a daily basis. We'll see. I may be able to convince him to squeeze one in tonight...somewhere between last week's Once Upon a Time and Modern Family. ;)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Goin' for a Ride...and We're Ridin' in a BOAT!
SPOILER ALERT: I typed this WHILE watching the last ep of Season 2!
Has anyone noticed that Tara has slowly but surely gone from a doc in scrubs to a biker chick in tanks and jean shorts? Is she going to start wearing a club vest? My husband wants to know when she's getting her chest tattooed. LOL!
OOoh Blondie's leaving sobel to go say goodbye to her irish boyfriend. Buh-bye! Don't let Clay's bike hit you in the ass on the way out!
Tig: Why didn't you tell him Sobel's a rat?
Clay: "Cuz he'd kill him. And he's mine."
Um...that RULED, if I may say.
Westin's death? Meh. Anticlimatic. I wanted an eye for an eye. I wanted to see him suffer. (GEEZ - what does that say about me?!?)
HALF SACK! I can't believe he's dead! I loved that kid!! It's so sad!!!
WHOA. Cameron took Abel! That is MESSED UP. Holy shit - he's CRUISING in that boat! Call the police! Call the effing Coastguard! Do SOMETHING other than laying on Clay and yelling "He took my boy!"
Ya know - I wish they would have given us a little more cute time with Jax and Abel to really drive the knife in. Maybe some raspberries during diaper changing or something. I think I'd be a little more upset. But I'm just kindof like "Yeah...they'll get him back. It'll work out.
I'm almost more upset about GEMMA. Holy SHIT! You would have thought she was leaving the show! Friggin A! Where's she going?!? She's so...calm! And she has no friggin CLUE what's going on! And Clay has no friggin clue what's going on with HER! How absolutely delicious!
And is it me? Shouldn't Gemma be able to plead self defense? And WHY didn't she record the shit with Miss ATF Bitch when it was going down? Does NOBODY know how to properly use a cell phone while being set up?!? SHEESH.
Was planning on taking a break before Season 3...but doubt it'll last longer than a day...if that.
Has anyone noticed that Tara has slowly but surely gone from a doc in scrubs to a biker chick in tanks and jean shorts? Is she going to start wearing a club vest? My husband wants to know when she's getting her chest tattooed. LOL!
OOoh Blondie's leaving sobel to go say goodbye to her irish boyfriend. Buh-bye! Don't let Clay's bike hit you in the ass on the way out!
Tig: Why didn't you tell him Sobel's a rat?
Clay: "Cuz he'd kill him. And he's mine."
Um...that RULED, if I may say.
Westin's death? Meh. Anticlimatic. I wanted an eye for an eye. I wanted to see him suffer. (GEEZ - what does that say about me?!?)
HALF SACK! I can't believe he's dead! I loved that kid!! It's so sad!!!
WHOA. Cameron took Abel! That is MESSED UP. Holy shit - he's CRUISING in that boat! Call the police! Call the effing Coastguard! Do SOMETHING other than laying on Clay and yelling "He took my boy!"
Ya know - I wish they would have given us a little more cute time with Jax and Abel to really drive the knife in. Maybe some raspberries during diaper changing or something. I think I'd be a little more upset. But I'm just kindof like "Yeah...they'll get him back. It'll work out.
I'm almost more upset about GEMMA. Holy SHIT! You would have thought she was leaving the show! Friggin A! Where's she going?!? She's so...calm! And she has no friggin CLUE what's going on! And Clay has no friggin clue what's going on with HER! How absolutely delicious!
And is it me? Shouldn't Gemma be able to plead self defense? And WHY didn't she record the shit with Miss ATF Bitch when it was going down? Does NOBODY know how to properly use a cell phone while being set up?!? SHEESH.
Was planning on taking a break before Season 3...but doubt it'll last longer than a day...if that.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Stay Gold, Ponyboy
SPOILER ALERT: Just watched episode 12 in Season 2.
Holy crap. I just watched a rumble. The Outsiders have got nothing on the club. That was outstanding.
Oooh Westin's getting arrested for burning down the porn studio. Didn't see that one coming. But...did...sortof. I guess I figured he'd die before they got a chance. Wish he would've; Henry Rollins should stick to being scary on stage with his band.
Oooooh watching Sobel say "My daughter and I are in possession of illegal narcotics" ruled!!! I did NOT expect THAT. That guy is a friggin smarty pants! I wish he'd use some of those smarts for a GOOD cause. (LOL As if SAMCRO is a good cause.)
Wow so one more episode left. What's going to happen now that Sobel and Westin are going to jail? Ohhh wait - guess we're going to get to watch Jimmy and the Irish implode. That should be interesting.
And the Deputy Chief. Ugh. I never know what to make of him. I want to hate him - but I can't. He's done some good along the way...and I know he just wants to "do the right thing." But geez his timing SUCKS.
OK - watching one more tonight...more later!
Shit. Fan. BAM!
SPOILER ALERT: I've watched 11 episodes of Season 2.
This is an email I sent JJ this AM. As I was typing it, I realized "This shit is going on the blog!"
This is an email I sent JJ this AM. As I was typing it, I realized "This shit is going on the blog!"
Oh. Em. Gee. I CRIED at SOA tonight. Gemma told the guys and I was a mess. They were playing an awesome song by this woman - kindof sounded honky tonk country - when she told Clay and Jax - but I can't look it up because I'm afraid of spoilers. We'll be finished season 2 in 2 episodes. ALLLLL the shit hit the fan; Tig told Opie he killed Donna and the shit started rolling downhill, uphill and sideways. I'm sure Jax is SO RELIEVED because now he doesn't have to hide what he knows anymore...and the whole club is pretty disillusioned with Clay.
And you know who I really feel sorry for? Tara. Poor girl is watching her life fade away while she sits outside the club waiting for Jax. Lorddddddddddd this girl is losing her job because of the club and might never be able to work anywhere again. She's already given up her own house and moved into his. And all she does is wait around either outside the club or at Jax's house (taking care of his baby)...it's mind boggling. Or come running when another club guy gets shot in the ass. Jax better recognize pretty damn quick because she is going to get sick of it and walk eventually. And PS - I LOVED when she verbally vomited all over him in a 15 second timeframe "I don't want you sleeping with anyone else because I want a kid or two and I can't handle it if you cheat". That ruled. BUT - I fear it's a prelude of things to come. And how about her sitting outside the club chit-chatting with Leena? Lorna? WTF is the porn star's name? Shit - anyway - I'm not thrilled with Opie being with her. I hope they end that. And how about his DAD almost killing Clay?? That ruled! He tied up loose ends with Opie's mom first...and we totally thought he was going to put one in the temple...and then BAM! He walks in and shoots at Clay. OutSTANDING. Almost as Outstanding as him saying "It won't happen again" when Clay tells him not to come in without his vest again.
ALSO - I love Scotty even more now. Shit I love all of them. I hope no one dies in White-fight. But I feel like they're on overload and they may need to unload one or two of them eventually. Which would totes suck.
Friday, January 11, 2013
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
SPOILER ALERT: Watching Episode 5 of Season 2.
"I'm gonna get us out of all those things you're afraid of. I'll find your place."
Holy SHIT I love Jax!!!!!!!
"I'm gonna get us out of all those things you're afraid of. I'll find your place."
Holy SHIT I love Jax!!!!!!!
Bikers and Bounty Hunters and Porn Stars, OH MY!
SPOILER ALERT: We've watched 4 eps of season 2.
HOLY CRAP! The porn stuff is over the top! I am somewhat wishing they'd refrain from showing us 69s and desktop doggies. These bikers party more than Studio 54 in 1976. Which makes me giggle my ASS OFF that they don't want drugs in Charming. They sell AK47s...steal cars...and orgie every other night...but keep the drugs OUT, man. LOL
Is it me? Or was the scene with Jax and Tara in the bathroom HOT?! I was practically jumping up and down when she smiled at the porn star ho like "Mmm hmmm. Tell your story walkin'...bitch." I am NOT going to do well with Jax doing a porn star - I can tell you that RIGHT now. I'm hoping they don't go that route...but I fear it's going to happen. And even if he's seeing Tara's face the whole time (best line ever)...it's still going to make me throw up in my mouth a little.
Um, Opie? Hi...yeah...it's Carol. Is there some reason you're siding with CLAY, boyfriend?? Cuz last time I checked, Jax didn't try to kill you. Just sayin'.
Is it me or does Bobby look ridiculously adorable with his glasses on while he's berating Luanne for cooking her books? Thought so.
OH Gemma. Gemma....Gemma...Gemma. What am I going to do with you? I get why she won't tell Clay what happened. But when they send you a rubber mask after the fact? Yeah...I'm thinking it's time to fess up. Geez...I am terrified they're going to do it again like that beefed up Henry Rollins said! Cool peace sign tattoo...NOT. It looks like my 8 year old designed it. And how about how she couldn't shoot him because he was talking to his son about little league?!? Holy SHIT is this show good or what?? The writing is FANTASTIC!!!! All I can hear is Brody aka Jason Lee in Mallrats: "Where do you come UP with this shit?!?"
And HOW FUNNY was ________ (shit, I still can't remember his name) when he got taken by the bounty hunters?? We were HOWLING when they were in the van and he was nicknaming everyone. And when they backed the flatbed into the motel room? LOL OMG Stop. I'm hysterical again!
OK - Episodes 5/6/7 tonight. Can't WAIT.
HOLY CRAP! The porn stuff is over the top! I am somewhat wishing they'd refrain from showing us 69s and desktop doggies. These bikers party more than Studio 54 in 1976. Which makes me giggle my ASS OFF that they don't want drugs in Charming. They sell AK47s...steal cars...and orgie every other night...but keep the drugs OUT, man. LOL
Is it me? Or was the scene with Jax and Tara in the bathroom HOT?! I was practically jumping up and down when she smiled at the porn star ho like "Mmm hmmm. Tell your story walkin'...bitch." I am NOT going to do well with Jax doing a porn star - I can tell you that RIGHT now. I'm hoping they don't go that route...but I fear it's going to happen. And even if he's seeing Tara's face the whole time (best line ever)...it's still going to make me throw up in my mouth a little.
Um, Opie? Hi...yeah...it's Carol. Is there some reason you're siding with CLAY, boyfriend?? Cuz last time I checked, Jax didn't try to kill you. Just sayin'.
Is it me or does Bobby look ridiculously adorable with his glasses on while he's berating Luanne for cooking her books? Thought so.

And HOW FUNNY was ________ (shit, I still can't remember his name) when he got taken by the bounty hunters?? We were HOWLING when they were in the van and he was nicknaming everyone. And when they backed the flatbed into the motel room? LOL OMG Stop. I'm hysterical again!
OK - Episodes 5/6/7 tonight. Can't WAIT.
bounty hunters,
jason lee,
porn stars
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Strap Yourselves in for a Ridiculously Bumpy Ride
Sons of Anarchy. Holy SHIT this is a good show. I wasn't going to start YET ANOTHER Purgatory blog...but I can't help it. It's a must. Plus, it goes along nicely with my Kristen Ashley blog since that shit is full of biker talk, too.
And I'm going to warn you right now - this blog might not always be PG. Let's be honest - biker shit is rough. And so might be my language after a particularly riveting episode. And let's be more honest; they're all riveting as f*ck. So either hop on board - or move the hell out of the way.
And oh yeah - thanks to JENNIFER J for making me watch this friggin amazing show!!!
SPOILER ALERT: Tonight I'll be starting episodes 3 & 4 of Season 2.
Let me get you on board as to what's been happening leading up to now:
Gemma - holy SHIT I love Katey Sagal. WHAT a role. What an actress! HOW this woman hasn't been nominated is so far out of my realm of comprehension, I may need to get some sort of degree to understand it. WTF?! She's the first one I'm mentioning on the whole show! Are the people who nominate actors for the Emmys blind? Well - yes - actually they must be after Evan Peters was snubbed for American Horror Story when the guy IS the show...but I digress.
Katey Sagal is so kickass, I don't know what to do with myself. When she got all cutsie with Miss ATF Bitch in the convenience store, I was howling. And we (Mr. Purgatory and me) love how she kisses all the chickies on the lips. What we did NOT love was the horrifying gang rape...but WOW that scene was powerful to watch. I have a feeling it's going to come out sooner or later...and I hope it does. My lord - did no one see how the poor woman was walking?!? A car accident that cuts up your face is not going to do that.
Next up - JAX. Holy crap. Could he get any more adorable? I love the white sneakers. It took my dumb ass a while to realize all the white sneakers and shirts signify a bit of innocence and that he's still good - and not completely broken/killer/biker dude just yet.
Clay - I love him, even though lately he's been screwing up ROYALLY with some of the instructions. And he lost points BIG TIME for OKing the hit on Opie. What a douche move.
I am not going to go on and on about all of them just yet because a) I don't have the time and b) I don't remember their names. But I'll say this: Glasgow Boy's accent makes him hawt and I've deemed him the smartest of the bunch. Opie's sweetness (and triceps in those long sleeve shirts) grows on you to the point where you want to jump him toward the end of season 1. Blue Eyes is a dick of epic proportions and I hate that I want him gone because he's really good at being such an asshole. Doc is adorable but for the love of god would someone PLEASE give that woman some humorous dialogue once in a while??? She's so serious ALL the time.
Who else? The larger biker man with the curly hair is cool - BOB - that's his name. Probie is adorable (not sure if that's his name but he's like the probies on Rescue Me). Taryn Manning - she's good and I definitely warmed up to her character. She's tres skanky but she's amusing and she went the distance for Probie. Wendy - OH my god I love her. I am from New Jersey so I have a soft spot for anyone from the Sopranos...and I MISS her as I haven't seen her in anything since. What's so funny is I was trying to remember her name on The Sopranos as I always referred to her as "Christophah" or "Boh-liage"...but in last night's SOA, they said "We're not gonna Adrianna your ass" and I said "Adrianna! That's it! That's her name!"
OMG I know I'm forgetting a lot of people but I have to get this thing posted so I can thoroughly crack up JJ this evening. Girlfriend MADE me watch Sons. I owe her my life. And my ride. ;)
STAY TUNED! Season 2 - Episode 3 & 4 tonight!
And I'm going to warn you right now - this blog might not always be PG. Let's be honest - biker shit is rough. And so might be my language after a particularly riveting episode. And let's be more honest; they're all riveting as f*ck. So either hop on board - or move the hell out of the way.
And oh yeah - thanks to JENNIFER J for making me watch this friggin amazing show!!!
SPOILER ALERT: Tonight I'll be starting episodes 3 & 4 of Season 2.
Let me get you on board as to what's been happening leading up to now:

Katey Sagal is so kickass, I don't know what to do with myself. When she got all cutsie with Miss ATF Bitch in the convenience store, I was howling. And we (Mr. Purgatory and me) love how she kisses all the chickies on the lips. What we did NOT love was the horrifying gang rape...but WOW that scene was powerful to watch. I have a feeling it's going to come out sooner or later...and I hope it does. My lord - did no one see how the poor woman was walking?!? A car accident that cuts up your face is not going to do that.

Clay - I love him, even though lately he's been screwing up ROYALLY with some of the instructions. And he lost points BIG TIME for OKing the hit on Opie. What a douche move.
I am not going to go on and on about all of them just yet because a) I don't have the time and b) I don't remember their names. But I'll say this: Glasgow Boy's accent makes him hawt and I've deemed him the smartest of the bunch. Opie's sweetness (and triceps in those long sleeve shirts) grows on you to the point where you want to jump him toward the end of season 1. Blue Eyes is a dick of epic proportions and I hate that I want him gone because he's really good at being such an asshole. Doc is adorable but for the love of god would someone PLEASE give that woman some humorous dialogue once in a while??? She's so serious ALL the time.
Who else? The larger biker man with the curly hair is cool - BOB - that's his name. Probie is adorable (not sure if that's his name but he's like the probies on Rescue Me). Taryn Manning - she's good and I definitely warmed up to her character. She's tres skanky but she's amusing and she went the distance for Probie. Wendy - OH my god I love her. I am from New Jersey so I have a soft spot for anyone from the Sopranos...and I MISS her as I haven't seen her in anything since. What's so funny is I was trying to remember her name on The Sopranos as I always referred to her as "Christophah" or "Boh-liage"...but in last night's SOA, they said "We're not gonna Adrianna your ass" and I said "Adrianna! That's it! That's her name!"
OMG I know I'm forgetting a lot of people but I have to get this thing posted so I can thoroughly crack up JJ this evening. Girlfriend MADE me watch Sons. I owe her my life. And my ride. ;)
STAY TUNED! Season 2 - Episode 3 & 4 tonight!
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